Recent Firm News & Events

New NSU College of Engineering and Computing Dean Welcomed

September 13, 2016

Firm Partners Thomas Panza and Susan Horovitz Maurer were in attendance at the reception to…

Logo of Panza, Maurer & Maynard

Attorney Jamie Gelfman Appointed Editor of Florida Bar Health Law

September 3, 2016

On September 2016, Attorney Jamie Gelfman was appointed to serve as an Editor for the Florida…

Elizabeth L. Pedersen | Associate

Advisory Board of Upsilon Delta Chapter of Chi Omega Selects Attorney Elizabeth Pedersen

June 4, 2016

The  Advisory Board for the Upsilon Delta Chapter of Chi Omega at the University of…


BCMA Women Physicians

May 20, 2016

Angelina Gonzalez and Susan Maurer attended the Broward County Medical Association (BCMA) Women Physicians Networking Event…


Alvin Sherman Library Gala

May 19, 2016

Attorneys Greg McDermott and Suzie Maurer attended the annual NSU Alvin Sherman Library Gala with…


Turquoise Takeover

May 13, 2016

The Turquoise Takeover campaign of the American Lung Association had its annual luncheon to kickoff…
