On March 23, 2018, Panza Maurer attorneys, Libby Pedersen and Angelina Gonzalez, participated in the “Sleep Out to Support Homeless Youth” event benefitting Covenant House of Florida. This event is a fundraiser for Covenant House which helps the organization raise critical funds to provide homeless young people with safe shelter and wraparound services, including education, substance abuse intervention, medical evaluations, and job training. Libby and Angelina spent the evening getting to know some of the young people currently living at Covenant House and then slept on the street for one night to raise awareness and funds. The event generated nearly $40,000 for Covenant House, with Libby and Angelina raising nearly $3,500, collectively, for the cause.
Panza Maurer attorneys participate in the “Sleep Out to Support Homeless Youth” event benefitting Covenant House of Florida
Category: Firm News

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